

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Filming Session - 12/10/13

As mentioned in previous location posts, numerous outdoor shots are to be filmed in the area of Leicester - specifically Highcross bridge and car park, as well as the street situated below the bridge - in the evening time.
Due to the season of winter approaching, the evenings are slowly becoming darker at an earlier time. This is beneficial when filming these shots as it means there is more available time to film in one period and any elements of filming that may go wrong can be recovered in this time. Dusk is roughly planned to arrive at 5:30 and this is when filming may commence.
The pre-production stage has now ended as I have a detailed and planned storyboard/animatic, as well as an equipment list and a costume/hair and make up list that will be constantly referred to during filming.

4:00pm - Hair/make-up/costume to be completed. Outfit #2. This will be frequently touched up during short breaks of filming to ensure consistency in the appearance of the artist.
5:00pm - Begin filming in the Highcross car park. Dusk may just be breaking - as long as the lights are on in the car park then this is dark enough as the sky cannot be seen from the inside. Therefore I decided to begin filming here.
6:00pm - Move filming to the Highcross bridge. By this time, dusk would have fallen and the lights on the John Lewis building will be visible.
6:30pm - Continue filming on Highcross bridge, however now move focus to the shots overlooking the street and moving traffic below.
7:00pm - Move onto the roadside shots below the Highcross bridge. It will be dark and dusk would have fallen. Continue with this filming until finishing. This section of filming will take a longer amount of time than previously because of the variety of shots and angles incorporated here and the location impracticalities.

This schedule is not 100% accurate and timings may change on the day, however this is a time frame that I will try to stick to and has forced me to plan my shoot. There will be breaks within these time slots to touch up make up and costume, as well as any refreshments that may be needed for either myself or Jordan.

Weather Forecast - Saturday 12th October
The weather forecast suggests that from 4:00pm onwards there may be a chance of light rain. This is obviously not an ideal forecast due to the outdoor nature of the shots that I am filming - rain may have an affect on the camera lens and/or the costume and make-up of the artist, etc.
If this BBC weather forecast proves to be right, the filming may have to be re-scheduled for a day that has little chance of rain. However, I will proceed with the filming and prepare to take precautions if the rain does start to fall.
The rain does not affect the filming during the shots that take place within the car park or bridge as these are sheltered areas, however to create consistency the weather - idealistically - needs to be the same throughout all locations, as well as the brightness of the sky.

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