

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Location: Planning and Analysis

Car Park/Busy Street/Highcross Bridge
To begin the video, I want to have my artist walking down a busy street with traffic, similar to that of the official Navy video. This would be filmed after the sun has set in the evening time, so that cars have headlights, street lights are on, and that traffic lights are more easily seen on camera. I also like the concept of using a car park in the evening time to give an eery atmosphere to the video, however this may be difficult as many car parks have a closing time and it may be hard to access a suitable car park at the time of day that I hope. This will take further planning and research.
To add to these outdoor scenes, Highcross Shopping Centre bridge (connecting the car park to the Highcross shopping building) would be an ideal setting also in the evening as an opportunity for higher angled shots is provided due to the transparent walls that the bridge is made up of. I believe that the Highcross Bridge is open to all public, however as I am filming, I may have to email the staff of Highcross to ensure that I am able to do so.
Scenes taken from this beginning set of outdoor shots can also be referred back to throughout the video, to create consistency.

Location for Projection Scenes
For the shots which I am planning to use a projector in, I require a blank location where a curtain/projector screen can be hung up and used. As I am projecting moving images as well as still backgrounds, I will not need a location of a specific sort as the setting of the location is irrelevant. There are rooms within the school that can provide this location, such as the studio within the media department, which already contains a prjector and a screen that can be of use. However, I will need to ensure that this suite can be used and maybe book the room itself so that the location will be available at every period of filming that I need it. As well as this, I will need to guarantee that my artist can come into school so that this filming can be done, as my artist is not currently a student at the school itself. This may require emails to be sent out to the school or simply speaking to the media department.

1 comment:

  1. Like I said in class, make sure you apply for permission if you intend to use Highcross (they did cordon off a portion of the carpark for students last year.

    Add more location shots. All locations that feature in the video need to be included in your planning posts.
