

Saturday 7 September 2013

Video Initial Ideas

Chance the Rapper recently tweeted a link to his new video for the song "Everybody's Something" from his album Acid Rap.
From watching this, I came up with the idea of projecting moving images onto my artist instead of a flat screen. This would create a more interesting and disorientating dimension to coincide with the music. This will have to be tested before shooting in order to achieve the best quality shots, and plain clothing may also have to be used during these shots to gain a full sight of the moving images projected onto her.
In this video, a busy background is being used as well as the images within the outlines of the artist, I will use a plain background instead of this as I feel that the scene may become too chaotic and look unprofessional.

1 comment:

  1. a really good idea if you can get it to work. Mattie and Steph used a projector last year (to reasonable effect). Try some test shots and post results with your critique of them.
